Lowered Expectations
Well hey there strangers! You may have noticed (or not, haha) that I haven't blogged in quite a while. And if you follow me on social...
Megan Selke
Swiss Army Sound Slinger
Spunky | Tender | Versatile | Directable
Source Connect Home Studio
Lowered Expectations
100 Voices Who Care: Speaking up for the locals.
Open Letter To My Fellow Americans: Stop focusing on party lines and start focusing on human lives.
Follow Your Passion: And let the kids follow theirs.
Dear Reader, I Appreciate You: The Value in Gratitude
One Small Thing Can Make a Big Difference. Why you should donate blood.
Greeking Out and Smash, Boom, Best: Two amazing podcasts for kids!
The Clock is TikToking: What is the deal with all this social media?